About Me!
Hi, I'm April!
Southern, Simple, Sassy, Stubborn as a Mule!
I don't want my life's story to be written for me, I want to write the story of my life because life's a journey that deserves to be captured.
I am a 15th generation Floridian and a 6th generation farmer. I'm married to my best friend, I'm a homeschooling mom of 4, and I'm a puppy mom of 3. I love sweet tea, the sound of rain on my tin roof, the beach, reading, cooking, and almost anything outdoors. I am a hardcore patriot; I LOVE my country and am truly grateful to be able to exercise the freedoms we are rightfully due.
I have an unnatural obsession with office, art and school supplies, as well as DIY projects. I'm a nomad at heart! I love to travel and want to spend most of my time exploring our vast world with my family.
I am currently training in ballet as well as piano. I am also a Blue belt in Hapkido, and an orange belt with green stripes in Pa Kua Archery and Pa Kua Edged Weapons (swords & knives).
I practiced cosmetology for 10 years, but I am now a firearms instructor and spend most of my extra time at the range educating citizens on firearm safety, proper gun care, & safe handling habits, all while building confidence, defensive gun skills, & awareness. Check out the website....iserdefense.com/
On the Southern Kissed Belle website, you will find post about:
- camping, hiking, kayaking, and our other adventures
- reviews of the gear we use
- recipes and cooking (which is always an experiment in our house)
- homeschooling craziness
- survival and preparedness skills
- restoration progress of my 1966 Chevy C10
- all of the skills we use and learn along the way
We are all living an adventure, welcome to ours!